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Posted on: August 15, 2024 04:23 PM

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NY Governor set to speak at the DNC

On Monday night at the Democratic National Convention, the NY Governor received a time slot to speak to the nation including New Yawkers.

New York’s favorite Governor, Kathy Hochul is pleased with the notification since the state is a one party rule keeping Democrats in power for a long time. Hocul will speak the same night as Biden and Hilary Clinton.

The NYC Mayor will not speak or anyone else from NY either.

The highlight of the speech will be on NY’s success based on a woman Governor breaking the glass ceiling.

The DNC is set for August 19.

The event will feature more than 5,000 Democratic delegates from all 50 states.

The convention itself won't be available to the general public.

For those from NY wanting to see her in person at the DNC in Chicago, this is the message.

According to the DNC’s website, "Only credentialed delegates, media, and guests can attend the convention in-person.”

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