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Posted on: September 28, 2024 05:35 PM

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Mayor went to the church and prayed in Jamaica

Of all places in NYC, the Mayor chose Greater Allen Cathedral of Queens for prayers.

So far only one miracle was reported involving the First Deputy Mayor Wright and Education Chancellor married at Martha’s Vineyard today which means spousal privilege activated so they can’t testify against each other in court. The real question is which one will be applied, spousal testimonial privilege or marital communication privilege or both.

The FBI conducted another raid at an office on Pearl Street where the Deputy Mayor Banks, Pearson and the Mayor had offices.

A new report came out on the Mayor’s current girlfriend who was promoted by the Education Chancellor for having a $221,000 no show job subject to multiple ethics complaints.

As for his $2,000 an hour lawyer, the Mayor’s trial won’t start until 4, 6 or 8 months after pleading not guilty. This gives the Mayor plenty of time to prepare the case.

There are numerous inside preparations underway; the Mayor is likely to resign giving the Public Advocate the key to the city as the acting Mayor until a special election date.

The special election, if announced, has Andrew Cuomo in the lead who already made plans to step up.

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