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Posted on: October 15, 2024 05:14 PM

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Itty bitty fine print not disclosed in the City of Yes in NYC

There are multiple sources confirming the Mayor's ambitious project of housing in NYC, City of Yes has a tiny loophole that's hard to distinguish allowing zone changes to allocate migrants and homeless shelters in NYC including Queens.

The only way to block is through local elected officials who can vote against the zone change.

One on top is Whitestone and Vickie Paladino will block the zone change. Meanwhile, northeast Queens has no advantage especially Glen Oaks, Floral Park, Bellerose and Queens Village along with Bayside, Little Neck and Douglaston which will see the zone change in the upcoming months.

The Governor's Office confirmed state zone changes are impacted to city zone change where the housing is permitted to build towers or multiple story units.

With Adams remaining as the Mayor and his re-election is geared up, developers are pleased to move forth with the City of Yes.

Today, during a press brief, the Mayor stated 7,800 homeless moved from subways to shelters in various zones in NYC.

One great warm message is welcoming new neighbors to a quiet suburban neighborhood which will soon be expanded with commercial buildings, retail fronts and more to expand the economic change in NYC.

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