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Posted on: November 12, 2024 05:39 PM

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Por favor tenga paciencia message passing around Roosevelt Avenue

Por favor tenga paciencia means please be patient.

Today community and residents gathered demanding Roosevelt Avenue to be safe from three major crimes, the oldest profession, illegal vendors and gang activities. This came after a shooting at the local barbershop in Corona.

The Mayor's Office reported the oldest profession is still active and the NYPD is working to shut down many commercial locations with warrants and arresting johns. What they don't say is that the NYPD starts the presence starting 10pm every night until 5am primarily on Elmhurst Avenue where illegal vendors have been cleared.

Since there is no law in soliciting women standing outside to lure people to private locations, a warrant is very difficult to obtain so plan B is not working for the NYPD.

Local elected officials are not responding to resident's pleas so they went to the community leaders for support and they are working actively to curb the three crimes on Roosevelt Avenue from Jackson Heights to Corona. There are also activists, non profit organizations and other members of the local elected officials who are against NYPD presence.

The message of being patient requires persistence.

Will the community leaders be persistent?

Time will tell.

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