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Posted on: March 26, 2020 12:00 PM

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NYC notes from around for coronavirus

Mayor de Blasio is working and hoping to open public schools on April 20.
Elmhurst Hospital became Ground Zero. The mayor's office reported 13 deaths at the hospital did not add next of kin for notification and didn't have proper identification after autopsy.
Mayor is looking to identify a plan to fine civilians for not following social distancing in public parks and the streets assigned as part of the pilot program.
Cuomo confirmed upstate have more hospitals for NYC patients but de Blasio is not responding.
Jackson Heights residents are getting ready to protest against the mayor's decision of street closure in their district and want that elsewhere for safety.
Cuomo confirmed that there is enough personal protective equipment for medical professionals for the immediate future. NYC nurses and doctors on the front lines have said the opposite and sounding the alarm. Cuomo is going to look into this.

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