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Posted on: September 15, 2024 06:17 PM

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Mission priority to load cameras for dumping grounds

The NYC Dept of Transportation will go full force by adding more surveillance cameras that reported the highest illegal dumping grounds, especially Queens.

Once the new law takes place on November 12 when all garbage must be placed inside a plastic container, the DSNY officials are in full force to track illegal dumping especially Jamaica Bay.

Now comes a new enforcement and it's throwing junks out of the vehicle while driving that cameras can enforce with fines by taking the license plate pictures. This is in the works.

As for the illegal dumping, the fine is up to $18,000 and confiscated vehicles. The vehicles will be returned once the fines are paid. Yes, the number to call for illegal dumping in action is 911. If there is no action, then call 311.

The Mayor's Office is on a promising mission to clean the city with air quality, rats, cockroaches and mosquitoes.

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