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Posted on: July 22, 2024 03:30 PM

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Love toward migrant children so no selling candies in NYC

The NYC Mayor’s Office confirmed $25 million taxpayer funds will be allotted to a new agency created by the city, Promise NYC which will offer child care service to migrants.

Promise NYC has given contracts to multiple nonprofit organizations to handle the services for the city where the average salary is $100,000 plus perks.

This came after complaints from commuters inside the subways seeing children strapped to the back of migrants selling candies.

The program also includes children seen as vendors selling water bottles on the road and flowers.

According to NYC Health, children of migrants didn’t want to leave them inside the shelters due to fear of child welfare agency investigation as parents want to work rather than remaining idle.

The $25 million taxpayer fund will cover around 1,000 children with care, compassion and dignity.

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