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Posted on: November 03, 2024 04:29 PM

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Local events for all to gather is setting up on Election Day

With just 2 days to go for the presidential election nationwide, local venues are setting up more events for all to gather in NYC.

After November 5, there won't be any major election in NYC until next year for the Mayoral race, which most New Yawkers are looking forward to.

Then two years from now will be the NYS gubernatorial election which is involving both Democrat and Republican candidates.

This is where the far left socialists will challenge moderate Democrats leaving Republicans alone to determine the electoral map so all votes count starting with the presidential election.

Meanwhile, volunteers working for food are campaigning locally while some are being transported to other states to conduct door to door and walking around passing pamphlets.

There will be no voting tomorrow and all set for Tuesday to vote in-person.

Major news networks starts the show at 4pm on Tuesday.

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