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Posted on: May 03, 2021 01:41 PM

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It s Florida the badass all the way

The governor of Florida signed the bill banning vax passports by private, schools and government businesses. $5,000 fine for any business or school requiring vax passport or proof of vax shot for entry or participation. As of today, the state is suspending all remaining local RONA orders immediately including mask mandates. "My message is: the vaccines protect you, get vaccinated, and then live your life as if you're protected. You don't have to chafe under restrictions ad infinitum." Another bill is banning social media deplatforming which will not allow free speech restrictions by tech giants. And another bill to protect women's sports from biological males competing. A new group is under work to allow unknown binary genders to compete with each other. As of today, Florida is the only state fully open freest for all.

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