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Posted on: April 05, 2021 01:45 PM

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It s 30 million but working for more more and more to 100 mil

Local politicians are pushing for more taxpayers funding to allocate for Asian hate crimes. As of today, non-profits instead of police to combat violence on Asians are seeking $30 million and more to the goal of $100 million. The federal level has local Congress members drafting a bill, RONA Hate Crimes Act seeking $50 million. The funding will be used for self defense training against violence, stand-by training for witnesses and those involved, safety training for future crises, victim support and etc. The funding will also be used for protests to supply food, water and etc. Volunteers are encouraged to participate for that while administrators are also seeking salary increases and creating more positions to strengthen the base to help politicians return the favor with campaign promotions. It’s a win win for all involved except volunteers.

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