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Posted on: December 20, 2024 04:41 PM

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Hola Mayor no gracias to the Governor

The NYC Mayor is on a roll gaining more support from moderates to conservatives of NYC residents while the Governor is moving far far far left.

So what's heading to NY for 2025.

The far left elected officials are moving to the Governor's side to add more government programs and extend more people on welfare using taxpayer funds for votes.

This is the "Gavin Newsom Model of California" the Governor is working to advance funded by the elite.

The Mayor is optimistic under Trump, NYC will have some support while the Governor is looking to veto.

This is where the Mayor is facing charges and lawsuits with more pressure for the upcoming re-election next year.

Majority of Queens elected officials are also against the Mayor but in favor of the Governor.

As for Queens residents, the Queens Borough President just endorsed the Metropolitan Park Project as part of $8 billion funded by the Mets owner despite community opposition. The same with the City of Yes despite the majority of Queens opposed.

Now the Queens Borough President is aligning with the Governor over Mayor for personal ambition along with the rest of elected part time officials. The Queens Borough President is no stranger to politics having grown up in public housing on welfare until elected to the office of City Council.

The year 2025 is a wait and watch for NY and NYC's future.

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