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Posted on: March 26, 2020 10:00 PM

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Coronavirus update for NYC and etc notes

You get $1200, Congress gets $25,000,000 from stimulus.
Almost 400 inmates released from Rikers Island.
De Blasio won't release key location stats affected despite promises of transparency including Queens.
Elmhurst Hospital saw 4 deaths in the last 24 hours after 13 previous. A white tractor trailer is parked to collect bodies.
4 sites announced for additional temporary hospitals. The sites are the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, the Aqueduct Racetrack facility in Queens, CUNY Staten Island, and the NY Expo Center in the Bronx. Cuomo will be visiting them.
The navy ship, USNS Comfort is on schedule for Monday to be docked at the Manhattan pier which has 1,000 beds.
For grocery store overcrowding, the mayor suggests stores limit customers allowed inside at once.
NYC case as of today 5pm.
23,112 tested positive. 365 deaths.
Queens - 7,362
Brooklyn - 6,095
Bronx - 4,243
Manhattan - 4,046
Staten Island - 1,330

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