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Posted on: April 29, 2021 12:09 PM

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Call 911 and they will decide what the police will do while waiting waiting waiting

There has been a high rise of complaints of dirt bikes and ATVs on Union Turnpike, Hillside Avenue to Main Street vicinity by residents. According to the NYPD, they are illegal and can be confisticated if seen in action as per law. Now comes the best part. If residents call 911 to complain of such activities, police will have to wait for action to respond which means this is an ongoing investigation. According to several law enforcement, read this well, the chance to confiscate will not happen in action or enforce it due to video taping by the riders and result outcry from the community including local politicians. So what the police will do is drive around and check for dirt bikes and ATVs based on the complaints. Then confiscate with a warrant where it's parked. The bike owner will call to report missing and will get the update where it is. A summon will be issued with a court appearance.

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