Posted on: April 24, 2017 01:30 PM
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Vanessa Raghubar, 22 of Ozone Park died from her injuries reported by police on Monday, April 24 after fatal vehicular accident. The incident happened on Sunday, April 23 around 4am on Van Wyck Expressway southbound at Rockaway Blvd. Detectives reported an off-duty cop, Neville Smith, 32 was driving a Mercedes Benz rear ended a Honda during merger on Van Wyck Expressway which was carrying Vanessa and her sister, Maria along with Justin Harricharran. Police stated Vanessa was driving the Honda and hit a tree and pole after the rear end incident. The Raghubar sisters and Justin were celebrating Maria's birthday and was returning home. Maria remains in critical condition and Justin is in stable. Smith was taken into custody after NYPD officers smelled odor of alcohol. Smith refused to take a sobriety test. He was charged with DWI and vehicular assault. Now Queens DA's office is looking into upgrade the charges. Smith is currently in stable condition at a local hospital. Also, Smith has been suspended without pay for 30 days. Vanessa was a graduate of Bayside High School and had a promising future according to her FB. pic by FB. Reported 1:30pm.