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Posted on: December 31, 2024 04:39 PM

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So many services continue to make taxpayers jealous in NYC

The NYC Comptroller’s Office reported services paid for migrants were exorbitant from yoga classes, legal, behavioral classes, laundry and the best one, bowling. Yes, bowling.

Beside unlimited long distance calls, main services from medical, housing to voucher programs, the city is expected to show a $7 billion expense from taxpayer funds for 2025.

Meanwhile, the Mayor is not happy with Guardian Angels back in the subway to patrol and claims crime is down.

The NYPD Is on tight patrol tonight for the ball drop at Times Square which is now run by Venezuelan migrants. The arrest and release is keeping the various city agencies and nonprofits busy with taxpayer funds to keep the payroll going.

The cost of food and housing has reached close to $2 billion for migrants living in shelters. $1,400 a month for those living outside the shelters. This is where the Governor wants to increase to $4,000.

The Mayor and the Governor are at odds on the migrant issues. The Mayor will be heading to Albany next year to discuss the budget needs.

As for taxpayers, pay for your own bowling games.

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