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Posted on: September 01, 2024 05:38 PM

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One of the largest parade on schedule in NYC

Labor Day starts in NYC with the second largest parade and it's The West Indian Carnival Parade on September 2 in Brooklyn.

J’ouvert and West Indian American Labor Day Parade and Festival is one of the largest with a strong voter base for NYC. The parade will start from 10am to 6pm on Eastern Parkway.

The event always draws a large crowd of spectators taking in the colorful costumes, flavorful foods and sounds of calypso and steelpan bands. J’ouvert is also one of the largest parades with heavy police presence due to gun violence.

So what's the first largest parade in NYC, it's the Puerto Rican Day Parade with over 3 million visitors. The third place is the St Patrick's Day Parade with 2 million visitors.

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