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Posted on: October 22, 2024 04:32 PM

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Move over speed now comes red light in NYC

The NY Governor is expected to sign a new law to increase cameras around intersections with red lights tomorrow. The new bill will be enforced immediately as New Yawkers love one party rule under the Democratic control.

The current list is 150 at various intersections in NYC and will soon be 600. From there, it will increase to 1,000 and then 2,000 but will need more time to match with speed cameras.

The fine remains $50, same as a speed camera with no points.

The NYC Dept of Transportation stated the goal is to match speed and red light cameras by 2027 and then increase further.

The $4 process fee for using online with credit card will remain the same but no additional cost for mailing with either check or money order.

In 2021, the city collected $243.9 million in fines. In 2022, the fine was a cool $255 million.

That number is expected to double with red light cameras.

Vision Zero which was launched by then Mayor de Blasio started the socialism model in NYC and since then, the budget is in a freefall with more programs and enforcement.


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