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Posted on: April 22, 2020 12:00 PM

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More bad news for the mayor of NYC after his coronavirus briefing

The public buildings in NYC will be converted into testing sites. Mayor de Blasio when asked where the testing equipment will come from, he said he will look for them. So far, the mayor does't have the tests yet. Anyone tested positive will be quarantined at the hotel. Then add the list of contacts they are in with for additional testing. It's only the plan.
The mayor will announce NHCHA testing pilot with selected locations but Governor Cuomo already disclosed them on Monday.
de Blasio stated at 10am press briefing once people are tested positive, the city will trace who they have been in contact with. Cuomo at his press briefing 11:30am stated a new role will be called, "Tracers" instead of disease detectives. The state will oversee this operation for the city.
There are two people de Blasio can't stand and will not work with. Trump and Bloomberg. He thanks Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi for the excellent job but both has not done any support to NYC. de Blasio was notified that Mike Bloomberg is going to help the state to develop a COVID-19 test tracing protocol which is also for NYC didn't go well.
de Blasio is all set for summer plan by announcing fireworks on July 4th. He said one way or another, Macy's will have the show. However, 125,000 Macy's workers are furloughed and only the governor can decide when they are able to return to work if they have jobs.
According to NYS Budget Director, $2.8 billion has been spent on combatting the virus and most of it was spent downstate including NYC. The mayor has not submitted the report on that.

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