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Posted on: November 27, 2024 09:55 PM

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Local NGOs seeking volunteers to help migrants for the holidays

The NYC Department of Homeless Services is seeking volunteers to help the migrants for the holidays by providing food, clothes and more. This is in collaboration with nonprofit organizations that's selected by the city which has added tens of thousands of migrants to depend on public assistance with taxpayer funds. Meanwhile, the city is grappling with two crises, the staggering homeless and mental health sector.

The NGOs are the heartbeat of the city's voting system and the job pays well plus perks. During the pandemic, many nonprofit CEOs stayed home for years, doing the minimum and collecting paychecks whereby some are earning over $500,000 annually.

Despite many NGO/nonprofits budget goes to serve their inflated administration and the impact is low or negative, services are never done as per city's demand due to no audit in place under one party rule.

As for Creedmoor in Bellerose, local residents are encouraged to drop off food for the holidays as a goodwill since the majority voted in favor during the last election on November 5.

Take some time off and be helpful.

Here is the link to join the volunteer program which means no paid but you bear all expenses to help all,

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