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Posted on: April 05, 2017 12:30 PM

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Lawyer busted for scamming out of country visitors with visa fraud

Rego Park - More than 150 people seeking employment visa in Queens were scammed by Charles Lore, immigration attorney who was taken into custody by feds on Tuesday. O-1 visas are given for temp non-immigrant workers were scammed by Lore for four years are now facing unpredictable consequence of either deportation or other issues. Feds received a tip and the investigation started in April 2011 until January 2015 reported of Lore allegedly filed fraudulent I-129 Forms for people seeking worker visas. Most of them were artists, actors, musicians and other individuals whose names were filed under representing trade associations but officially found no merits. Lore also stole other lawyer's identity to file more paper works using the victim's names. Lore is charged with visa fraud, aggravated identity theft, and mail fraud. Reported 12:30pm.

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