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Posted on: September 16, 2021 02:21 PM

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It s over 100 million and counting for NYC but three hiccups are in the way

The almighty power NYC mayor is adding more funds to fuel NYC. The latest craze is the city acting as an employment agency by working with nonprofits and selected companies by providing jobs for those living in gun violence neighborhoods. The $37 million dollar budget will hire youths at $20 an hour while billing the city for over $100. His quote, “A recovery for all of us does not exist unless each and every New Yorker feels safe.” Another $40 million has been added for youths cleaning up crew instead of the Dept of Sanitation. Another $50 million is on the works for adding more vaxx locations in school zones.

Now comes three obstacles. A federal judge issued a temporary halt to the vaxx mandate for teachers and other school staff but the mayor is going ahead with it.

A poll was received from the NYS Attorney General on running for the governorship. This is the info, "An August poll done by the progressive group Data for Progress shows James in the lead in terms of a preferred primary candidate, ahead of Hochul and other potential candidates."

For the UN General Assembly, the mayor stated all visitors including diplomats must be vaxxed. Yes yes yes including presidents of the worlds. More like let them know the mayor is the president of NYC. According to U.N. chief Antonio Guterres, he stated that he cannot ask world leaders to show they have been vaxxed.

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