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Posted on: March 25, 2020 06:00 PM

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Coronavirus update from Mayor de Blasio

As of 6pm, 280 people died, up from 199 today morning.
3,750 hospitalized with 840 in the ICU.
Queens - 6,420
Brooklyn - 5,232
Manhattan - 3,616
Bronx - 3,542
Staten Island - 1,166
NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer?s office reported two staff tested positive.
236 members of the NYPD have tested positive for coronavirus. 3,200 members of the force are sick, triple the normal sick rate.
The Elmhurst Hospital in Queens has been overrun with seriously ill patients, 13 have died in 24-hours.
JetBlue is donating free flights for incoming medical volunteers heading to New York State.for transporting the vital personnel.

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