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Posted on: November 21, 2013 07:17 PM

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Community Board 13 meeting were mainly on issues from the other side

Three hours meeting of Community Board 13 held last Monday night in Cambria Heights had several presenters but all are from Southeast Queens side. With so much issues need to be covered from the Northeast Queens side, not many attended the meeting. Some of the main topics were establishing a residential complex in Queens Village for adult male patients with disabilities which was voted down. The other was a farewell time for two local politicians, Leroy Comrie who had served 12 years in City Council and James Gulston Sr. who served as the board member. The other issue was mainly about Obamacare and its affects to residents and business in the community. Chairman Bryan Block oversaw the meeting and was seen lack of interest toward other issues related to illegal construction since its an old issue.

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