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Posted on: August 14, 2024 02:24 PM

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Blakemann signed the bill banning masks in Nassau County

Liberals and Conservatives, before you cry or rejoice, you can still wear masks in Nassau County if you want to carry on with your lives.

Now read further.

Today, the Nassu County Executive signed a bill to ban face masks.

The main focus of the bill is on protests and crimes in Nassau County.

The majority of supporters of the bill aimed toward those who commit hate crimes covering faces with masks.

The opposition cried wearing masks while protesting is a human right to conceal identity and banning them is oppressive.

The Nassau County Police Commissioner is now waiting for the first protest, if any, to enforce the law where fines can be issued with $1,000.

According to US News and World Report, Nassau County is ranked the safest county nationwide and Blakemann insists he will do his part to keep it that way.

Property taxes are the one of the highest where people don't mind paying in the north east section.

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