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Posted on: October 01, 2024 04:45 PM

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Bellerose Terrace residents alerting of high grand larcenies

As of September, Bellerose Terrace residents reported the highest grand larcenies from property theft to vehicles.

Several residents reported mail thefts with bank cards used elsewhere. Another group of residents reported break-in thefts.

All incidents reported overnight according to the NCPD.

However, residents stated all incidents are involving teens not living in the area.

After reaching out to both Nassau and NYC, the ACS responded by expanding further east.

NYC is expanding the Administration for Children's Services in northeast Queens where teenagers are joining a placement program which is a combination of time in a residential program and time in the community with specialized services and monitoring.

So far the ACS reported no crimes involving teens from their own programs.

Then a new source reached out that an establishment is setting up homes for recruits for the opening of the retail village and hotel at the local arena nearby. They didn't respond if the recruits were migrants or not.

As for NCPD and NYPD, no response due to ongoing investigation.

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