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Posted on: May 31, 2021 06:46 PM

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B HEARD launching in NYC

After completing the training including self-defense at Fort Totten in Bayside, social workers and NYC EMT are gearing up for 911 calls involving EDP without weapons and violent behaviour. The program called B-HEARD made up as Behavioral Health Emergency Assistance Response Division, is set to go live in June starting in Harlem with the highest number of 911 calls involving EDP. The 911 dispatcher will ask if the EDP has a weapon or is violent. If not, a social worker and NYC EMT will be assigned instead of NYPD. Social workers will be in casual outfits while EMT will be in their uniforms. The only difference is EMT will be paid an additional hike to 6% raise. The NYC mayor is hoping this pilot program will work to make it permanent.

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